Redeem a Campernight Promo Code 💚

If you have a promo code you can try Campernight Plus for free 🚀

Follow these instructions to know how to redeem it ⬇️

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Instructions also available in: Spanish

If you have an iPhone 📱

1. Download the app


2. Look for the "Redeem code" button in the Campernight Plus purchase screen

canjear codigo

3. Enter your promo code and follow the instructions on the screen 🤝

4. Enjoy Campernight Plus 🎉

If you have an Android 🤖

1. Download the app


2. Start the yearly subscription. Next to the payment method, tap on the arrow and then "Redeem code".

canjear codigo

3. Enter your promo code and follow the instructions on the screen 🤝

4. Enjoy Campernight Plus 🎉